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Disclaimer: This is for general purposes only and does not constitute an attorney-client relationship. Contact an attorney licensed in your State for specific inquiries.

The protections in the Anti-Eviction Act apply to rooming and boarding home residents. This means that these residents are entitled to the same eviction protections as anyone else.

With that said, you cannot “lock them out” without going through eviction proceedings. Non-payment of rent is the only eviction cause that does NOT require any written notices to be sent meaning you can immediately file for eviction in court.

Members can contact us for more information and to access forms and sample facility eviction worksheet documentation that guides a fair and just cause for starting an eviction process against a resident. Remember safety, fairness and just cause must be the basis for an eviction process. If you don’t follow this process the benefit accrues to the resident and you can be held “Non Compliant” for violating a resident’s rights.

This is for general purposes only and does not constitute an attorney-client relationship. Contact an attorney licensed in your State for specific inquiries.

Need legal Help? Association Members can access our Legal Counsel:

Cyril Hodge ESQ directly online for immediate consultation.

Cite: N.J.S.A. 55:13B-1.

The Rooming and Boarding House Act is designed to protect residents living in rooming and boarding homes.

Under the law, the Department of Community Affairs (DCA) is responsible for inspecting every rooming and boarding home in New Jersey. DCA must make sure that each home is safe and decent. DCA must also make sure that the owner or manager of the house respects the rights of residents. For example, DCA must make sure that the building is fire safe, has no serious plumbing or electrical problems, has enough light and air, is clean, and is secure. DCA must make sure that the house is well run. They must also make sure that there are no violations of the residents’ legal rights, such as the right to have visits from family, friends, and social workers.